Presently there is not a Denver meeting.
All it takes to start a meeting is two people.
If you start one and would like it publicized, contact us and we will feature it here.
you are new, contact us before coming.
There are rare occasions when we do not meet.
Also, commit to at least three meetings before deciding it's not for you.
It takes that long to experience what the Samson Society is all about.
There are rare occasions when we do not meet.
Also, commit to at least three meetings before deciding it's not for you.
It takes that long to experience what the Samson Society is all about.
What is the Samson Society?
The Samson Society is a fellowship of Christian men who are serious about authenticity, community, humility and recovery - serious, but not grave. Samson guys are traveling-companions on a great spiritual adventure, not grim pilgrims on a death march to personal holiness. We challenge each other daily to believe the incredible news that God actually knows us, loves us, and has restored us to himself. As we follow Christ together, we find our lives progressively interrupted by righteousness, peace and joy.We are not a church. We are simply one extension of the church universal.
We are not an "accountability group." Instead of living our lives separately and reporting (or lying) about our progress, we try to live our lives together.
We are not a "men's group." Okay, so there are no women, but that doesn't make us a men's group, does it? Please. Most of us have had it up to here with men's groups.
We are not a 12-step group. Sure, most of us have been trapped in some kind of compulsive activity, but our addictions do not define us, and we do not segregate our membership by behavior.
We are not perfect. Not even close. We are broken individuals, but in our fractured fellowship we find a foretaste of God's approaching re-creation.
For more information about the society, listen to the message I, Samson.